Quality and environmental policy

ppm Industrial AB has been quality certified according to ISO 9001 and environmentally certified according to ISO 14001 since April 2011

Read more about our policy


At ppm Industrial AB we provide products and services for personal safety. This means that quality work is the engine of our business, which leads to our customers receiving reliable and customized solutions of very high quality.

Quality for us is that we, in all parts, possess high technical competence for the products, services and applications that are part of our business. We shall clearly distinguish ourselves through our ability and organization to service and repair the absolute majority of instruments on the market. Our interpretation of the concept of quality includes understanding the customer's needs and living up to the expectations placed on us as a supplier, producer and system designer.

For us, quality work means systematically reading, reflecting on and improving our operations. The quality work is primarily aimed at development, but also at checking that results, processes and conditions are at the intended level. Since 2011, we have been certified according to ISO 9001.


Within ppm Industrial AB, we work actively to protect the environment and to reduce our resource consumption. We want to reduce the environmental impact of our own operations and be an example in the work of creating a sustainable society.

We work with constant improvements by introducing new technology and knowledge to our customers to minimize the environmental impact through the products and services we provide. We operate to run a business that takes the environment into account and ensures compliance with binding requirements in the environmental field.

We are working to reduce the amount of electronic waste in relation to our turnover by introducing better and more environmentally friendly technology. We work to reduce fossil fuel emissions through active choices and to optimize our transport. By avoiding substances that affect the climate, we actively contribute to resource management and create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable society. Since 2011, we have been certified according to ISO 14001

ppm Industrial AB – green quality work with products and services for your safety, environment and productivity

VD Johan Palmér – För oss är det självklart att vara ISO 9001-14001 certifierade då vi arbetar med produkter och tjänster för arbetsmiljö, hälsorisker och miljöpåverkan.

Iso 14001

Iso 9001

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