Process & Gasanalys

Many of our deliveries in gas analysis are carried out as projects

Read more about our process

Our range of portable gas analysis instruments are ideal for mobile inspections, field work and situations where fast and accurate gas analysis is necessary. These devices are easy to use and offer real-time measurements of gas levels. Whether it's air quality monitoring in workplaces, environmental surveys or handling hazardous substances, we have the right tools for the job. 

For applications that require continuous monitoring and automated gas analysis, we offer an impressive range of stationary gas analysis instruments. These units are designed for specific locations or processes where constant gas level monitoring is essential for safety and efficiency. 

Our stationary gas analysis instruments have different configurations and sensor options for different needs and applications, such as in petrochemicals, energy production and environmental monitoring. Advanced features such as remote monitoring and data logging capabilities improve process control and reduce the risk of gas leakage. 

Service and calibration for gas analysis instruments 

We also offer service and calibration for facilities or instruments. Contact our service coordinator to book an appointment for calibration or on-site service. We prioritize the performance and reliability of your equipment and strive to offer tailored service that meets your needs and timeframes. 

PPM Industrial is your reliable partner for gas analysis equipment, be it portable instruments for field analysis or stationary solutions for constant monitoring. Contact us for specific requirements or if you are looking for products not listed here. Our expert team is ready to help you find the perfect solution for safety and quality in your business. 


Gasmätning är en avgörande process för att övervaka och kontrollera gasnivåer i olika miljöer och applikationer. Genom att använda olika typer av gasdetektorer och mätinstrument kan man identifiera närvaron av olika gaser, inklusive farliga eller giftiga ämnen som kan utgöra risker för hälsa, säkerhet och miljö. Gasdetektorer kan vara bärbara eller stationära och använder olika sensorer och tekniker för att mäta gasnivåer, inklusive elektrokemiska sensorer, infraröda sensorer, ultraljud och termiska ledningsförmågor. Noggrann gasmätning är avgörande inom industrier som petrokemi, raffinaderier, gruvdrift, livsmedelsproduktion och miljöövervakning för att säkerställa säkerheten och överensstämmelse med regleringar. 

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