AGC NovaPRO 9000 PGC- Gaskromatogaf

The NovaPRO 9000 Process Gas Chromatograph (PGC) utilises the most up-to-date technology and systems available. This advanced PGC provides custom solutions for a wide range of industries and offers 24-hour monitoring and reporting as needed. Accurate readings are achieved using our range of proven detectors which have been perfected over 50 Years of experience.

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This Ex approved PGC utilising a Purge method (Ex p) conformity, is housed in a mild steel enclosure that is purged for use in the harshest of environments and suitable for use in Zone 1 and Zone 2 classified areas.

Up to two Detectors can be configured into a NovaPRO 9000 PGC system. The choice of detectors is: TCD, FID, FPD or DID. Other detectors will be added in due course. The range of Applications are limitless and most of our PGC Solutions will be found in markets such as Hydrogen, Hy/CO, Iron & Steel, Petrochemicals, Natural Gas, Synthetic Gas, Coal Gas, Refinery…etc.
Utbudet av applikationer är obegränsat och de flesta av våra PGC-lösningar kommer att finnas på marknader som väte, Hy/CO, Järn & Stål, Petrokemi, Naturgas, Syntetisk Gas, Kolgas, Raffinaderi…etc.





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