Calibration gases and accesories

Our collection of calibration gases and accessories are created in collaboration with leading suppliers and are carefully selected to ensure high quality and performance. We offer a varied range of products intended for the calibration of the most common gases and application areas. Whether it's to ensure accurate measurements in industrial processes, control gas analysis instruments or monitor air quality, we have the right calibration gases and accessories for your needs. If you do not find the specific product you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are dedicated to helping you achieve accurate and reliable measurements.

What is calibration gas? 

Kalibreringsgas är gaser eller gasblandningar som används för att justera och kalibrera gasdetektorer, analytiska instrument och andra apparater som mäter gasnivåer. Syftet med kalibreringsgas är att säkerställa att de mätningar som utförs av gasdetektorer och andra instrument är noggranna och tillförlitliga. 

The calibration gas contains known and precise concentrations of specific gases, usually gases that need to be monitored to meet safety or regulatory requirements. By exposing the gas detector to the calibration gas, the user can adjust the instrument's settings so that it displays correct values ​​for gas concentrations. This is important to ensure that the instrument functions properly and provides reliable results. 

Calibration gases we offer 

We offer a varied range of the most common gases, the gases you can find with us are: 


Propan används som en vanlig kalibreringsgas för gasdetektorer och analysinstrument. Dess kända och noggrant mätta koncentrationer gör det till ett idealiskt val för att justera och säkerställa noggranna gasmätningar. Propan erbjuder pålitlig kalibrering och är särskilt användbar för att kontrollera instrument som övervakar brandfarliga gaser. 


Syre (oxygen) fungerar som en kalibreringsgas för gasdetektorer och analysinstrument som övervakar syrenivåer. Det används för att skapa en exakt referenspunkt, säkerställa rätt kalibrering och korrekt funktion hos syreövervakningsutrustning. Syrekalibrering är avgörande inom områden som medicinsk vård och industriell säkerhet. 


Metan är en värdefull kalibreringsgas för gasdetektorer som mäter brandfarliga gaser. Dess noggrant kontrollerade koncentrationer möjliggör korrekt kalibrering och tillförlitlig övervakning av metangasnivåer, vilket är avgörande i branscher som naturgasproduktion, gruvdrift och miljöövervakning. 

Carbon monoxide 

Carbon monoxide is used as a calibration gas for gas detectors that monitor carbon monoxide levels. With precisely known concentrations, carbon monoxide calibration enables accurate and precise measurements. It is particularly important to monitor and prevent carbon monoxide-related hazards in, for example, indoor environments and in combustion processes. 

Hydrogen sulphide 

Hydrogen sulphide is used as a calibration gas for gas detectors that monitor hydrogen sulfide concentrations. Its carefully measured concentrations make it an indispensable gas for adjusting and ensuring accurate gas measurements. Hydrogen sulfide calibration is especially important in the chemical industry, wastewater treatment plants, and other areas where hydrogen sulfide emissions are a potential hazard. 


Nitrogen gas (nitrogen) is used as a calibration gas for gas detectors and analytical instruments. Its pure and known concentrations are valuable for adjusting and ensuring accurate measurement of gas levels. Nitrogen calibration is particularly important in laboratories, the food industry and scientific research areas where accuracy is critical. 


Butane is used as a calibration gas for gas detectors that measure combustible gases. With accurately measured concentrations, butane calibration offers a reliable method of adjusting and ensuring proper operation of gas detection equipment. It is particularly important for controlling flammable gas emissions in industrial and commercial environments. 

Mixed gases 

Mixed calibration gases are gas mixtures that contain carefully controlled concentrations of several different gases. They are used to calibrate gas detectors and analytical instruments in complex environments where several gases need to be monitored simultaneously. These gas mixtures are valuable in ensuring accurate measurements and simplifying the calibration process. 

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