AGC NovaAIR GC- Gaskromatogaf

The NovaAIR GC is a complete and self-contained gas chromatograph system with a small footprint and rugged industrial hardware including an operating system.

Available with either a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) or a flame ionization detector (FID), the application base is there to cover a wide range of applications. Gas analysis from % to ppm to ppb is achieved with fast analysis times and short cycle times.

The NovaAIR is designed and built to encompass the customer’s key requirements and is readily connectable to a sample conditioning system with no support infrastructure required. Furthermore, there is seamless Integration onto a Distributed Control System (DCS) or control room using an array of communication modules.


AGC-NovaAIR-3000 (FID)

AGC-NovaAIR-4000 (TCD)



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