Utbildning - Gas

Service that saves life and property

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We have training for customers and other stakeholders in gas risks and how to avoid someone getting hurt. The training takes place on our premises or at your company, all according to wishes. During the training, we go through gas theory and also make realistic gas measurements.

Example of training in gas risks (1 day)

  • Introduction to gas measurement, why and when you should measure gas.
  • Terms and abbreviations used in connection with gas measurement.
  • The physical and chemical properties of different gases and their impact on humans.
  • Procedure for gas measurement and gas clearance.
  • Some measuring methods for gas and their advantages and disadvantages respectively.
  • Different types of gas meters and what requirements you must have on them.
  • Rules for functional testing and calibration of gas meters.
  • Management of own gas meters and functional testing of these.
  • Measurement with the gas meters.
  • Review of results and experiences of the gas measurement and discussion about this.

safety training

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